viernes, 19 de enero de 2018

Changes to my study programme

In this post I will tell you my opinion about the changes of the study programs, particularly in the career that I study, sociology.

Resultado de imagen para sociologíaI think the changes are positive when they come from of the different levels that make up the university, especially the students, because they are those who realize the benefits and deficiencies of the curriculum.

In the career of Sociology, a process of change of the study programs has been carried out. Because, these sometimes are not optimal to train integral professionals.

In my experience, there were many courses that repeated the contents or simply others had very little content. It happened to me in the first courses of the carrer were it courses was so much introductory. I think that those spaces could be used to do more specialized courses, to teach sociology programs or methodological.

Resultado de imagen para sociologíaAlso, I would like that the Social Sciences faculty to invest in more technological resources such as computers and licenses for methodological programs. Because at the moment, in some courses like of electives of Statistics there are not enough quotas for the demand of students.

On the other hand, I would like that the pedagogical techniques be more participatory and conect the theoretical with the practical.

Finally, I would like the degree to be more linked to the work environment. For example: increase the participation of students in research, increase the number of practices or that all students can  do an assistantship. These factors are very useful to develop the carrer in the future and always looking the academic work.

1 comentario:

  1. It would be interesting if the career formed more integral professionals
